4 Ways to Avoid Spiritual Deception-Test Every Spirit
Jesus warned us about the prevalence of deception in the last days. He said many false prophets would arise to deceive if possible the very elect. The only sure way not to be deceived in these last days is to walk in a close and…
The Lake of Fire was not Created for Man
The lake of fire was never created for man. God prepared it for Satan and the third of angels who rebelled together with him against God. But men go to hell when they refuse the free gift of salvation God has through Jesus to save…
Mwendwa Mbaabu’s Testimony
Former backslider delivered from years of New-age spiritual deception, alcoholism, LGBTQ lies, and sexual bondage to total freedom in Christ Jesus. I was dead and I am alive again; was lost and now I'm found. My life is a living testimony of the saving and…
Are you Sleeping Walking Your way into Eternity?
It’s a terrifying thing for a man to sleepwalk through life not caring about his life after death and where he shall spend eternity. The two choices are either the lake of fire with Satan or heaven with God. Heaven is for those who have…
Why the Way to Heaven is Difficult
We live in a time when people think that getting to heaven is very easy. But Jesus said that the way is difficult. Some think it is as simple as saying a sinner’s prayer or going to church and serving God only. The more presumptuous…
How to be Born Again
The Gospel and Prayer of Salvation What is the Gospel? The gospel is the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6) “Jesus…
Only a Few Shall go to Heaven
Jesus told us in his teachings in the sermon on the mount that FEW would make it to heaven. And this is because the way is difficult and the gate is narrow that goes to heaven and few find it. But the way is broad…
7 Signs of Cults & False Prophets
With the rise of cults, false prophets, and false Christs in Kenya and the world, believers more than ever need to study the word of God and have a relationship with JESUS CHRIST. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice and a STRANGER they shall…