• He Who Endures to the End Shall Be Saved

    He Who Endures to the End Shall Be Saved

    We are not saved once for all; salvation is not an event. We are saved (justification), being saved (sanctification), and shall be saved (glorification) when we receive our resurrected bodies. Salvation has a beginning, and an ending. That’s why Jesus is called the author and…

  • True Salvation Produces Fruits of Righteousness

    True Salvation Produces Fruits of Righteousness

    True salvation produces fruits of righteousness. Grace is not a license to sin. Grace teaches us to say NO to ungodliness (Titus 2:12). The Holy Spirit is HOLY. When he truly comes inside of you, he will make you holy, and sin will become foreign…

  • Lay hold on Eternal Life!

    Lay hold on Eternal Life!

    Heaven must be laid hold of. It is a land, a country, a destination. One must take the right road to get there and stay on that road. All roads don’t lead to heaven, only one: the narrow road. No one will end up there…

  • Women, Your Manner of Dressing Can Lead To Hell

    Women, Your Manner of Dressing Can Lead To Hell

    Many women are committing adultery and fornication every day with men they do not know, all because of their dressing styles. One day in 2023, after the Holy Spirit had been teaching me about modest dressing and, by the grace of God, helped me radically…

  • The Age of Fake and Made-Up Women

    The Age of Fake and Made-Up Women

    Fake breasts Fake butts Fake nails Fake eyelashes Fake hair Fake lips Fake eyebrows Fake hips Fake beauty spots Fake noses Fake beauty What next? How far will women go to conform themselves to Satan’s fake image? The fact that we call these things fake…

  • Women’s Adornment, Modesty, and Head Covering

    Women’s Adornment, Modesty, and Head Covering

    What does God think about women using makeup, jewelry, and wearing trousers? Does the bible speak on these things? Did you know that fallen angels—specifically Azazel, one of Lucifer’s chief leaders of the revolt against God—first taught human women about makeup, ornaments, and jewelry? Azazel…

  • 3 Ways Jesus Sanctifies Christians

    3 Ways Jesus Sanctifies Christians

    The reason why we do not die immediately after we are born again is partly because the Lord needs to sanctify us and prepare us for heaven. We are being conformed to his image day by day as we behold his glory. That is our…

  • Come Out From Among Them and Be Ye Separate

    Come Out From Among Them and Be Ye Separate

    The true Christian life is an affront to the world because Christians are CALLED OUT. “Therefore come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” 2 Corinthians 6:17 “called you out of darkness into…

  • 8 Keys to Spiritual Discipline and Growth in 2025

    8 Keys to Spiritual Discipline and Growth in 2025

    “Read your Bible and pray every day if you want to grow.” This old children’s song contains much wisdom in the simple basics of spiritual growth, which many ignore. No matter what stage you are in in your spiritual growth, I’d like to encourage you…

  • No Celebrities in the Kingdom of God

    No Celebrities in the Kingdom of God

    Celebrity lifestyles are not for disciples of Christ. Jesus, being God himself, did not live like a king or celebrity. It took Judas kissing him for the Jews to even identify him on the night he was arrested because he was so ordinary. Jesus CHOSE…