Heaven Is the Abode of the Holy
Heaven is the abode of the Holy; Nothing unclean will ever enter it “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?” Leonard…
Repentance, Restitution, and Public Confession of Public Sin
When I had backslidden and became a new age spiritual teacher (teaching on oneness, Christ consciousness, and spiritual awakening), I was deeply deceived by Satan, and as a result, I deceived others too by my writings, counsel, and books for years. My testimony of repentance…
Grace Is Not a License to Sin
Grace teaches us to say NO to ungodliness; it does not make provision for sin. Many Christians have been erroneously taught or believe that God is no longer judging sin in the New Testament and they can live how they wish and enter heaven. Grace…
The Devil Knows That His Fate Is Sealed
“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” Revelation 20:10 The devil has deceived so many people and blinded…
He Who Endures to the End Shall Be Saved
We are not saved once for all; salvation is not an event. We are saved (justification), being saved (sanctification), and shall be saved (glorification) when we receive our resurrected bodies. Salvation has a beginning, and an ending. That’s why Jesus is called the author and…
Just as in the Days of Noah and Lot
Jesus gave two distinct indicators of the days of his coming that are very unique. He said it would be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot. The Holy Spirit has increasingly shown me deeper insights into these two times. What was…
What Is the (True) Gospel Preached by the Lord Jesus?
“Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” JESUS, Mark 1:14-15 “Now when…
The Gate to Heaven Is Narrow and the Way Difficult
Beloved, when Jesus said the gate to heaven is NARROW and the way DIFFICULT, he meant it. If you are having an easy, breezy walk in the park, everything goes Christian walk, then know you are on the broad road, and something is wrong. Because…
Jesus Is Coming Soon, and Only a Few Shall Be Saved!
Jesus said the way to heaven is narrow and few will make it. It is not a joke! Hell is real and is eternal. If you go to hell, you will regret it forever. It is torment for all eternity without end, sharing the same…
The Falsehood of “REST in PEACE” Wishes for the Dead
It seems at death, even the vilest of sinners suddenly becomes a saint. His enemies are suddenly at peace with him and ushering him to heaven with “rest in peace” wishes and all manner of flowery speeches. People honor the dead more than the living.…
Drunkards shall not Inherit the Kingdom of God
What does the word of God have to say about drunkards? Alcohol has become a major issue the world over and many are enslaved by it. Alcohol destroys the body, soul, spirit, destinies, communities, families, and nations. I was once one of these people, heading…
Women: False Beauty and Plastic Surgery Leads to Hell!
Beloved sisters, this is a warning to you from the Lord Jesus Christ. You who delight in changing what God has made and recreating yourselves into false images. We are living in the end of times. These are the days that were prophesied about by…