Christ’s Wheat, Satan’s Tares, and the Final Harvest
Satan has his false churches, false Jesuses, false spirits, false brethren, false gospels, false anointings, false miracles, false deliverance, false revelations, false wisdom, false apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and prophets. Satan counterfeits everything the Father does because he is a thief and deceiver. The tares…
What Is the (True) Gospel Preached by the Lord Jesus?
“Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” JESUS, Mark 1:14-15 “Now when…
No Celebrities in the Kingdom of God
Celebrity lifestyles are not for disciples of Christ. Jesus, being God himself, did not live like a king or celebrity. It took Judas kissing him for the Jews to even identify him on the night he was arrested because he was so ordinary. Jesus CHOSE…
The Gate to Heaven Is Narrow and the Way Difficult
Beloved, when Jesus said the gate to heaven is NARROW and the way DIFFICULT, he meant it. If you are having an easy, breezy walk in the park, everything goes Christian walk, then know you are on the broad road, and something is wrong. Because…
Judgment Has Begun in the House of God
With all the scandals and exposures happening in the body of Christ worldwide, it is clear that God is up to something. He is cleaning up the church. Sexual abuses, adultery, financial abuses, manipulation, power trips, and so forth are being exposed, and it is…
Why God Uses Unbelievers to Judge the Church
Recently there was a BBC documentary exposing a Nigerian prophet with one of the largest followings in Africa. There have also been sex scandals in many churches at large over the past few years exposed by the secular media. Many of these involve well-known preachers…
Are You Ready for God’s Final Judgment?
When you stand before God on the day of judgment, you will be ALONE. Your pastor, sister, brother, mother, children, husband, and friends will not be there. Just as you came alone into this world, your eternal destination will be determined when you stand alone…
Only He Who shall Endure to the End Shall be Saved
It doesn’t matter how you begin this walk of salvation as much as how and if you finish the race. He who shall endure to the end shall be saved. Are you still loving and obeying Jesus? Are you living in HOLINESS or living a…
4 Ways to Avoid Spiritual Deception-Test Every Spirit
Jesus warned us about the prevalence of deception in the last days. He said many false prophets would arise to deceive if possible the very elect. The only sure way not to be deceived in these last days is to walk in a close and…
Mwendwa Mbaabu’s Testimony
Former backslider delivered from years of New-age spiritual deception, alcoholism, LGBTQ lies, and sexual bondage to total freedom in Christ Jesus. I was dead and I am alive again; was lost and now I'm found. My life is a living testimony of the saving and…
How to be Born Again
The Gospel and Prayer of Salvation What is the Gospel? The gospel is the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6) “Jesus…
7 Signs of Cults & False Prophets
With the rise of cults, false prophets, and false Christs in Kenya and the world, believers more than ever need to study the word of God and have a relationship with JESUS CHRIST. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice and a STRANGER they shall…