• Heaven is for Overcomers, not Cowards

    Heaven is for Overcomers, not Cowards

    Heaven is a place for overcomers, valiant soldiers, and brave souls who dared despise this world and choose God almighty with all their hearts, souls, and minds. Jesus boldly declared that the cowardly would have their part in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). Those…

  • No Drunkards in Heaven- DL. Moody

    No Drunkards in Heaven- DL. Moody

    “Be not deceived . . . nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of GOD.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) No drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. Now let those mothers that have sons who are just commencing a…

  • Return Backsliders! Jesus is Calling You!

    Return Backsliders! Jesus is Calling You!

    The Lord Jesus calls all backsliders to return to him and the covenant of salvation they had with him while there is still time. He says, “Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings (Jeremiah 3:22).” The Lord Jesus is coming back soon…

  • Where is the Promise of His Coming?

    Where is the Promise of his Coming?

    About 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus Christ promised that he would be coming back one day (John 14:3). The angels told the disciples as they watched the Lord ascend back to heaven after his resurrection that Jesus would return in the same way he…

  • Hell Explained- The What, Why & Who of Hell

    Hell Explained- The What, Why & Who of Hell

    HELL is a LITERAL place of eternal torment and separation from God for those who have rejected God and the salvation found in Jesus Christ. Hell is a real place, just as Heaven is a real place. Jesus spoke consistently about Hell in his teachings…

  • All is Vanity

    Solomon the wisest man that ever lived and the wealthiest pondered the meaning of life. He concluded that it was all vanity if the purpose was to live for self and pleasures. He realized that the rich man was only storing up riches for those…

  • Prepare to Meet Your God

    Prepare to Meet Your God

    Each of us has an appointment with God we must and shall keep. Are you ready for yours? Like it or not, it is coming, and you do not know the day or the hour. Either death will take you first, or Jesus will return…

  • Why God Uses Unbelievers to Judge the Church

    Why God Uses Unbelievers to Judge the Church

    Recently there was a BBC documentary exposing a Nigerian prophet with one of the largest followings in Africa. There have also been sex scandals in many churches at large over the past few years exposed by the secular media. Many of these involve well-known preachers…