• He Who Endures to the End Shall Be Saved

    He Who Endures to the End Shall Be Saved

    We are not saved once for all; salvation is not an event. We are saved (justification), being saved (sanctification), and shall be saved (glorification) when we receive our resurrected bodies. Salvation has a beginning, and an ending. That’s why Jesus is called the author and…

  • Christ’s Wheat, Satan’s Tares, and the Final Harvest

    Christ’s Wheat, Satan’s Tares, and the Final Harvest

    Satan has his false churches, false Jesuses, false spirits, false brethren, false gospels, false anointings, false miracles, false deliverance, false revelations, false wisdom, false apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and prophets. Satan counterfeits everything the Father does because he is a thief and deceiver. The tares…

  • The Truth About Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

    The Truth About Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

    Remarriage after divorce is adultery if one’s former spouse is still alive. Marrying a divorced person is adultery. Adultery leads to hell if not repented of. In this article, we will explore what Jesus and the Apostle Paul taught about divorce and remarriage and also…

  • Go and Tell Others What He has Done!

    Go and Tell Others What He has Done!

    We must always tell others what Jesus has done for us in saving us and not be ashamed or keep quiet about our testimonies because they are one of the best ways to testify for the Lord. Sharing what God has done for you is…

  • Just as in the Days of Noah and Lot

    Just as in the Days of Noah and Lot

    Jesus gave two distinct indicators of the days of his coming that are very unique. He said it would be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot. The Holy Spirit has increasingly shown me deeper insights into these two times. What was…

  • Truly happy new year!

    A Truly Happy New Year!

    There were New Year’s nights when I slept drunk and woke up with hangovers to begin another year in regret and shame over my sins under the direction and control of demons. Many spent last night the same way. From my bedroom last night, I…

  • He Must Increase; I Must Decrease

    He Must Increase; I Must Decrease

    The cross humbles us. It does not exalt man but God! Jesus is the central figure of the cross, not man. One defining experience of the true born-again experience is that we turn away from self-worship, and Jesus becomes truly God in our lives! The…

  • No Celebrities in the Kingdom of God

    No Celebrities in the Kingdom of God

    Celebrity lifestyles are not for disciples of Christ. Jesus, being God himself, did not live like a king or celebrity. It took Judas kissing him for the Jews to even identify him on the night he was arrested because he was so ordinary. Jesus CHOSE…

  • Judgment Has Begun in the House of God

    With all the scandals and exposures happening in the body of Christ worldwide, it is clear that God is up to something. He is cleaning up the church. Sexual abuses, adultery, financial abuses, manipulation, power trips, and so forth are being exposed, and it is…