Women: False Beauty and Plastic Surgery Leads to Hell!
Beloved sisters, this is a warning to you from the Lord Jesus Christ. You who delight in changing what God has made and recreating yourselves into false images. We are living in the end of times. These are the days that were prophesied about by…
Where is the Promise of his Coming?
About 2000 years ago, the Lord Jesus Christ promised that he would be coming back one day (John 14:3). The angels told the disciples as they watched the Lord ascend back to heaven after his resurrection that Jesus would return in the same way he…
Why God Uses Unbelievers to Judge the Church
Recently there was a BBC documentary exposing a Nigerian prophet with one of the largest followings in Africa. There have also been sex scandals in many churches at large over the past few years exposed by the secular media. Many of these involve well-known preachers…
The Children of God vs. Children of the Devil
Many people believe that all human beings are children of God, but the word of God tells us that this is not true. The Bible clearly states that there are children of God and children of the devil. All humans are creations of God, but…
Only He Who shall Endure to the End Shall be Saved
It doesn’t matter how you begin this walk of salvation as much as how and if you finish the race. He who shall endure to the end shall be saved. Are you still loving and obeying Jesus? Are you living in HOLINESS or living a…
Is Your Name (Still) in the Book of Life?
On the day of judgment, we will all stand before God. Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire. God is a God who does all things in decency and order. His angels record…
Satan is a Legalist- Sin gives him Legal Rights
There is a spiritual war going on for the souls of men. The devil is working hard to capture as many souls as he can through legal rights. The spiritual world works through open doors and legalities. Sin and disobedience to God is what gives…
Sanctification in the Life of a Believer
Sanctification is the purifying work of God by his Spirit in the believer that makes him Holy as he continually walks in obedience to God. To sanctify is to make holy, purify, and set apart (consecrate). For this is the will of God, even your…
Lukewarm Christians will not Enter Heaven
Claiming to be a Christian, but being lukewarm, living in sin, and never repenting is fooling yourself. But you are not fooling God. The only loser at the end of the day will be you because hell is real, and God is very serious about…
Heaven is for the Holy and Obedient
Our church attendance, religious duties, and claims to be Christians by themselves will not get us into heaven. Many Christians and even some whom God uses will be cast into hell for disobedience and living in sin. The Bible says that without HOLINESS, NO ONE…
The Constant War Raging for Your Soul
We are in a perpetual war for our souls. Satan never sleeps and works hard to plant seeds of sin and compromise in people’s lives to lead them away from God. Jesus said, “While men slept, the enemy planted tares among the wheat.” (Matthew 13:25)…
4 Ways to Avoid Spiritual Deception-Test Every Spirit
Jesus warned us about the prevalence of deception in the last days. He said many false prophets would arise to deceive if possible the very elect. The only sure way not to be deceived in these last days is to walk in a close and…