Evangelism to Children—Children Need the Gospel, Too
Children need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, too. They are accountable for their souls once they reach the age of accountability. They need salvation just as much as adults, and we should not neglect children in evangelism and discipleship by despising and overlooking…
Your Father Who Sees in Secret Will Reward You Openly
“Your Father, who sees in secret, will Himself reward you openly.” Matthew 6:4 “Be careful not to perform your righteous acts before men to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” Matthew 6:1 Remember Jesus’…
Love Is Greater Than All Spiritual Gifts
Prophesies, revelations, dreams and so forth are wonderful gifts of the Spirit to edify and equip the saints. But the apostle Paul says LOVE is greater than all spiritual gifts. We may see all dreams and know all mysteries and speak in tongues, but without…
Jesus Came to Fulfil the Law-What Does It Mean?
Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. “Do not think that I have come to abolish (destroy, dissolve, overthrow) the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill (make full, complete) them” (Matthew 5:17)…
Genuine and Complete Repentance Is Key to Total Deliverance
The key component to any form of deliverance or freedom from any bondage or sin is TRUE REPENTANCE. Not just saying sorry but complete and total repentance. One must 1. Readiness and Willingness Be ready and willing to do whatever it takes to be free.…
True Holiness Is the Fruit of Abiding in Christ
We cannot be holy by our own efforts and works. If we wish to be truly holy, we must ABIDE IN CHRIST. He is the true vine, and we are branches. Holiness is who he is. When we abide in him and remain in loving…
The “I AM” Statements of Jesus
“I AM HE.” Jesus, John 8:28 Have you come to know him? He is he! You may ask, who or what is he? He is, all in all. (Colossians 3:11) Christ is the wisdom of God and the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). He…
God’s Standard and Way to Heaven Have Not Changed
The standards and way to heaven have not changed to suit the modern generation: The way is still difficult. (Matthew 7:14) The gate is still narrow. (Matthew 7:14) The highway is still one of holiness. (Isaiah 35:8) The path is still ancient. (Jeremiah 6:16) Those…
Heaven Is the Abode of the Holy
Heaven is the abode of the Holy; Nothing unclean will ever enter it “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?” Leonard…
He Ever Lives to Make Intercession for Us
“He ever lives to make intercession for you.” Think about that. When I was a backslider, Jesus was interceding for me. When I was in abominations, he was interceding for me. When I hated myself, he was interceding for me. When no one loved me,…
Be Careful With the Sins of the Tongue
The Bible warns us over and over to be careful with our words. God honors his word and keeps his word. He does not lie, exaggerate, or make false claims and promises. He fulfills what he says. In fact, the Bible says, “God is not…
The Race of Faith and the Ultimate Goal
There is an ultimate goal and prize for the follower of Jesus: HEAVEN. With that heavenly vision ever before him, the believer will be careful not to entangle himself in anything that may cost him that great prize even if it seems afar off. Even…