Biblical Headship in a Gender-Opposing World
When a society moves away from the headship structure that God himself set in place by his authority and wisdom, all hell breaks loose. We see that in our times. Many millennials, Generation Y, Z & Alpha have never seen a society where marriage, church,…
The Truth About Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery
Remarriage after divorce is adultery if one’s former spouse is still alive. Marrying a divorced person is adultery. Adultery leads to hell if not repented of. In this article, we will explore what Jesus and the Apostle Paul taught about divorce and remarriage and also…
Why Should Women Be Silent in the Churches?
What did the Apostle Paul mean when he said women should keep silent in the churches and be in subjection? Was Paul a chauvinist? Was the admonition cultural and no longer applicable to us today? What about all the women pastors, overseers, bishops, and church…