The Gate to Heaven Is Narrow and the Way Difficult
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The Gate to Heaven Is Narrow and the Way Difficult

Beloved, when Jesus said the gate to heaven is NARROW and the way DIFFICULT, he meant it. If you are having an easy, breezy walk in the park, everything goes Christian walk, then know you are on the broad road, and something is wrong. Because the holiness meant for heaven is not easy and it is a path of self-denial, which is why few will enter.

Hmmm, this generation is joking. Everyone thinks they will enter heaven even while lying, fornicating, gossiping, bribing, backbiting, cheating, following false preachers and false gospels (prosperity gospel), dressing like the world, disobeying scripture, being prayerless, lacking the fear of God, and having evil thoughts. There is no heaven for the unclean. Cheap grace gospel is of the devil and a trick to send many to hell.

It is NOT EASY to enter heaven (Matthew 7:13-14). And that means none of us can rest or boast in our self-righteousness. We must all work out our salvation with FEAR and TREMBLING (Philippians 2:12) and STRIVE to enter (Luke 13:24). We must FIGHT the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12) and RUN with PERSEVERANCE the RACE set before us (Hebrews 12:1). We must BEAT our bodies into subjection (1 Corinthians 9:27) and DIE daily (1 Corinthians 15:31). We must TAKE HEED lest we fall (1 Corinthians 10:12), and the kingdom of heaven must be taken by FORCE (Matthew 11:12). Heaven is for OVERCOMERS (Revelation 3); for those who are willing to LOSE their lives and take up their CROSSES DAILY (Luke 9:23) and those who HATE their life in this world (John 12:25).

Look at those capitalized words, which are used by Jesus and the apostle Paul in the Bible, and tell me which sounds easy. Those are tough words and not fluffy words. They made it clear what was expected, and did not preach an easy gospel of ‘once saved always saved’ or cheap the grace of God! It is time we must fear God if we hope to be WORTHY to inherit the Kingdom of God as Jesus says in Luke 21:36).

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Have you given your life to Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior? He loves us so much that he, our creator, left heaven and came to earth, died for us on the cross taking our sins upon him so that we may be forgiven and receive his righteousness. He conquered death by rising from the dead and made a way for us who were dead in sin to be reconciled back to the Father (God). What’s more, he has prepared a wonderful home for us in heaven, where those who love him and obey him will spend eternity with him. Learn more here about how to be born again and have eternal life after this brief life on earth.

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