LGBTQIA and Satan's End Times Agenda
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LGBTQIA and Satan’s End Times Agenda

The LGBTQIA movement is one of Satan’s key end-times agenda for the deception of mankind. It is part of his new world order plan. Life is spiritual and sadly most people are fast asleep not discerning the times. Sadly especially believers in Jesus Christ are fast asleep. The LGBTQIA movement has an end game of turning hearts away from God and his design for mankind. The spirit at work in this movement is antichrist, rebellious, and Jezebel. It is a great satanic deception with demonic forces holding captive those seduced by it.

This agenda has infiltrated every sector of society: music, film, dedication, religion, politics, media, health, and so forth. It is not natural and is part of the end-times falling away and lawlessness that Jesus and the Apostles told us would happen. Read Jesus’s words in Matthew 24. Sadly those caught up in it do not see that they are deceived, and think this is natural. The very fact that this movement seems to have spread like an epidemic should show people that it is not natural. It is a spiritual deception.

Behind the LGBTQIA movement is the Spirit of lawlessness. Just like its author who is the man of lawlessness as the bible calls the antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:5-12)

“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”

Jesus in Matthew 24:12

The agenda is multi-pronged:

1. Rebellion against God

Trap the minds and hearts of mankind with rebellion and a false “love”. This is in the name of “do what thou wilt” one of the slogans of new age adherents. The Bible says that to love God is to obey his commandments and not follow our own lusts and desires. Romans 1 is clear about homosexuality and the perversion of our bodies. God calls this lifestyle a lie and calls those who do these things reprobate. In Revelations 22 we are told that those who make and live a lie and all fornicators shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.

2. New world religion

Make way for the new world religion. This spirituality promotes all forms of worship as legitimate paths leading to God. This is the new-age spirituality that is now taking the world by storm and even infiltrating the church. The idea of all being one, man being one with God, and man being God. This ideology rejects the concept of sin, a personal external God, and mankind needing a savior. Instead, it teaches that all are one with God and that God lives inside all. That we create our own reality. This is the same lie satan used to deceive Eve in Genesis 3 when he told her she would be like God.

3. Persecution of followers of Jesus Christ

Eventually, once the LGBTQIA community has spread its poison far and wide affecting even the legal system, Christianity will become persecuted. Christians will become those seen as intolerant, those without love, the selfish who do not respect human rights. This has already started as is evident by what is happening in the USA with the demonstrations, infiltration of schools with LGBTQIA ideology, outlawing of the Bible in schools, the shootings in a Christian school by a transgender, celebrities using their platforms to criticize Christians and push the queer agenda, and so on. This is part of satan’s plan to persecute Christians and get his agenda to prosper unhindered.

4. New world order and unveiling of the antichrist

The increase in lawlessness with the LGBTQIA movement being at the forefront will eventually lead to the rise of the new world order. The new world order will be based on tolerance, false peace, and a united world under the man who shall be revealed at the right time: the antichrist. He shall come disguised as a man of peace, a messiah who will unite the world religions and nations and usher in a new golden age for mankind. The Bible has already warned us in advance about all these things. The world shall embrace this man and his deceptions because God will allow it. God will have handed over the world to their lusts and rebellion. The Holy Spirit who is now restraining these things will have been removed to allow mankind to believe a lie. (2 Thessalonians 2:7,11)

5. Lead as many souls to hell with him as possible

Satan is doing all these things with only one goal, to take as many humans as he can to hell with him. Satan hates humans. Those who follow him think he loves them and offers freedom not knowing that he is a liar and the father of lies. Satan loves no one. He knows his time is short and he knows what his eternal destiny is. It was decided from the foundations of the world. He knows his destiny is the lake of fire and so all his deceits are aimed at luring many to his side. He lures all those who reject God and worship themselves as he does. These are his children and their destiny shall be the same as his.

The LGBTQIA Movement – Pride and Mocking God’s Rainbow

The LGBTQIA agenda is the perfect vehicle for satan because at its heart is rebellion against God. The lifestyle mocks God and his design of mankind and promotes perversion and fornication. It is mankind throwing his fist up to God and saying, “I am God over my body and nature and not you”. It is no wonder that its movement is called PRIDE. The movement also uses God’s rainbow as a symbol of its rebellion. God gave the rainbow after destroying the world in the flood in Noah’s day as a symbol of his love and kindness and promise never to destroy the world in a flood again (Genesis 9). The rainbow also covers God’s throne (Revelations 4:3). It is just like Satan to copy all that God does and is for his own glory.

Watch and Pray

I urge all believers to watch and pray as Jesus told us when he spoke of these end times. He said, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36

Again he said “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 36:41)

Pray for your loved ones caught up in this LGBTQIA lifestyle, that their eyes would be open, and that the spirit of rebellion and perversion would be broken off of them in Jesus’s name. Many are finding freedom from this lifestyle and giving testimonies. I was one of them. Jesus sets us free. His blood and his name are more powerful than all the attacks and deceits of the evil one. he has the name above every other name. If you have not received him as your savior, do so today. Simply accept that he died for your sins and accept him as Lord and Savior and you will move from death to life and be free.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen!

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